Raccoon Creek Park

Shelter House 
Parking Lot                    
Picnic Tables 
Handicap Restroom           
Small Children’s Playground 
Older Children’s Playground
BBQ Grills
Trash Containers 

Amenities include:

Raccoon Creek Park
Bigelow Drive
Johnstown, Ohio 43031

This proposed village park is still in the design stage. Raccoon Creek Park is located along US Route 62, Bigelow Drive and Raccoon Creek. In 2018 the Pulte Development Company generously donated 27 acres to the City of Johnstown. Since the area is in a floodplain it could not be developed for housing. However, floodplains make a wonderful community resource that include:

Fish and wildlife habitat protection

Natural flood and erosion control

Surface water quality maintenance

Groundwater recharge

Biological productivity